Javascript Free Download For Android

  1. Javascript On Android Phone
  2. Javascript Free Download For Android Pc
  3. Javascript Free Download For Android Pc
  4. Javascript Free Download For Android Phone
Javascript free download for android software

Javascript On Android Phone


  • 0xbench 2d hw
    Fork from 0xbench and focus on android HW accelerated 2d rendering benchmark.
  • 8tracks android
    An client/player for Android.
  • Aardwolf
    A remote JavaScript debugger for Android /iOS/WindowsPhone7/BlackBerry6. Written in JavaScript.
  • Acktie Mobile NFC Example
    A working example for the Acktie Mobile Android NFC Module (Reader and Writer).
  • Acktie Mobile QR Example
    A working example for the Acktie Mobile iOS and Android QR Module.
  • acts
    ACTS is program for android stability test, written in Node JS, very easy install and use. This GUI is based on browser interface and uses android SDK monkey tool. It is best use of the monkey tool.
  • adobe air extension
    An Adobe Air Native Extension for the Kiip iOS and Android SDK's.
  • aipm
    Applicazione mobile del gruppo Anime In Plexiglass, versione Android.
  • AIRtaxi
    An Obex server for the Android.
  • airvantagemap
    Create an Android application using connected to AirVantage API.
  • alacarte android client
    Android client using PhoneGap to make canteen reservations.
  • AmazonInAppPurchasing
    A Phonegap 2.0 plugin for the Amazon In App Purchasing SDK (on Android ).
  • andInstant
    An Instant Android SDK Reference Search (Weekend Project).
  • Andrepl The Giant
    A JavaScript repl for your Android phone.
  • andrigator
    Android application for eksigator.
  • android
    a node module for adb & android.
  • android actionbarstylegenerator
    Easily create a simple, attractive and seamless custom action bar style for your Android application.
  • android app
    A PhoneGap powered Android appliction.
  • android application 1
    Site made as android application using phone Gap.
  • Android AppRunningMonitor
    Provides the ability for your Android application to know when it is running and when it has been stopped.
  • Android BicycleServer
    Android Bicycle server for version and feedback etc.
  • Android Billing
    PhoneGap + brunch + InAppBilling.
  • android client
    An android client for XassidaReader.
  • android cordova jqmobi example
    phonegap based application (example), based on jqMobi. First time created for the FrosCon as a simple tutorial/show case 2012.
  • Android DeviceSupport
    Extending the android framework with new devicess.
  • Android DoclavaSetup
    doclava setup for an android project.
  • Android EmailComposer Phonegap 2.6
    Simple example to show how EmailComposer plugin is implemented.
  • Android forensic timeline
    Forensic timeline generation on Android platform.
  • android intro slides
    Slides for Android workshop.
  • Android Labs Website
    My personal, and professional website.
  • android mock location helper
    Set up Android emulator mock location through web.
  • android openaccessory with pc sample
    2D physical world running on PC and controlled by Android Device using ADK.
  • Android Phonegap
    Push woosh Android Phonegap.
  • android phonegap enyo test
    test of phonegap + enyo for android.
  • Android PhoneGap Quickstart
    Plain HelloWorld Android /PhoneGap project.
  • Android PhoneGap Scala
    A Hello World program for Android using PhoneGap and Scala.
  • Android Project
    Final Project for 4ME105.
  • android push
    A example of an android app that receives push notifications using MQTT and PhoneGap.
  • android ruboto doc
    Ruboto code examples for Google Android developer documentation. Presented in context while browsing Google Android developer documentation at http://developer.
  • android Sensors
    experimentation with Android sensors in enyo.
  • android smswebapp
    My Computer Science Honours Project. Web Based SMS Administration for Android. This is the Web App.
  • Android Tools
    Various tools, most of which are simple wrappers for ADB.
  • Android Unlock 4 Web
    Android unlock pattern made for web using oure javascript.
  • android with scala
    presentation that introduce how to create android application with scala.
  • Android work
    All my Android work.
    Homepage of Android Annotations.
  • androidapp
    Code from Android app.
  • anna
    Demo application for Speech Rec on Android.
  • App Landing Page
    A free landing page for Android and iOS apps.
  • appbrain sdk
    AppBrain AppLift SDK to monetize Android apps.
  • AppInventorAndTheAndroid SDK
    Slides showing the interaction between the Activity lifecycle of and Android app and an App Inventor app.
  • applaud android helloworld
    PhoneGap/Cordova Android Hello World app using applaud plugin.
  • AppLaudApp
    Complementary Android App for AppLaud Cloud.
  • AppNameLocalization
    Template project for localizing your application's name for android and ios.
  • appservices phonegap android push example
    Examples for sending Push Notifications with AppServices using PhoneGap for Android.
  • AustinCodeCamp2012 Lightning Talk
    iPhone / Android app without a Mac.
  • Badgers sports android
    Badgers Sports app for keeping up with the Wisconsin Badgers from Android.
  • BakerDroid
    Baker framework for Android.
  • Barcamp 2012
    Code samples from Barcamp Melbourne 2012 talk on Intro to Android app developwith with PhoneGap.
  • bartleby
    A clean and simple BART tracker for Android.
  • batmobile
    android app to interact with rails backend.
  • BBQLog
    BBQLog is a changelog system for Android ROMs. It fetches changes from Github repositories and order them according to nightlies releases.
  • Beginning Android Web Apps Development
    The code for the book 'Beginning Android Web Apps Development' by Jon Westfall, Rocco Augusto, & Grant Allen.
  • BKME Android App
    #BKME Android App using PhoneGap for GETTING cars faster.
  • bombastic
    Android system manifest manager and automatic tester.
  • BoxingScoreCard
    boxing score card app for android build with phonegap.
  • broadcast
    An embedded ruby web application for remote Android device management.
  • BukuDigital
    Android eBook reader for Thesis.
  • burhaniFlicks
    A natural solution to flicks and user interactivity on pages and divs that mimicks local Android and iOS touch solutions. Brought to you by Evolutis Technologies Inc.
  • C2DM Android Sample w Phonegap UA
    C2DM Android App with Phonegap and Urban Airship.
  • CardDBParser
    A simple scraper that retrieves the content from the Android : Netrunner section of CardGameDB, based on CasperJS.
  • CDV NatPlugin Android
    Example of Cordova with a plugin calling a native code in Android.
  • cftoaster
    A light weight jQuery plugin to create a toast message as seen on the android platform.
  • ch.schwingenonline. android
    Android application for to receive the latest news, the event calendar and athletes register.
  • Chat Android
    server side for chat.
  • cindle
    Code Viewer for Android.
  • cljs android
    ClojureScript on Android via SL4A.
  • clojuredocs android
    An Android app for ClojureDocs.
  • cn phonegap android sample
    A sample Consumer Notebook Android app built with PhoneGap.
  • Cocktail
    Cocktail recipe app for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad and Android.
  • cocoonjs createjs boilerplate
    This helps you getting started with a new project based on HTML5 CreateJS Library and CocoonJS for iOS and Android.
  • Columbia Android
    Android portal for Columbia University students written using Phonegap and jQuery Mobile.
  • com.jasonkneen.tabgroup
    TiAlloy TabGroup for iOS & Android.
  • com.nltd.t
    A test app on android.
  • cordova android accountmanager
    Cordova Android AccountManager plugin.
  • cordova android actionbar
    Cordova Android ActionBar plugin.
  • cordova android enyo demo
    quick and dirty demo of enyo sampler running on android cordova.
  • cordova android helloworld
    PhoneGap/Cordova Android Hello World app.
  • cordova android plugins
    PhoneGap plugins for Android.
  • cordova true native android
    Plugin for Cordova that enables fully native looking apps.
  • CoronaDemos
    Demos of the Corona SDK for iOS/ Android Mobile.
  • Cozy Android
    Android application for Cozy Note.
  • CrossFront
    CrossFront Cross Platform, Front End Glue... Write Once ()=> run on iPhone && Android && Tablets && Desktop Browsers && Mobile Browsers.
  • CrossFront Simple
    CrossFront glues popular frameworks together in a boilerplate project to allow for Large Scale Javascript development. It allows you to code once and run everywhere (Desktop Browsers, Mobile Browsers, Tablet Browsers, Phones, Android , iOS... etc.
  • cs546uscguide
    USC guide application written for Android.
  • CursoAcitPhoneGap
    PhoneGap y jQuery Mobile en proyecto Android.
  • cworklog android
    Android app to access CWorkLog through the online API.
  • cytClock
    Playing around with android.
  • delirious
    Delirious? is a Javascript client for the feed reader Fever? by Shaun Inman. It is started, because a mobile interface for Fever? is not coming to Android any time soon.
  • DOMLauncher
    Cordova Powered Android App Launcher Replacement.
  • DroidGeoBrowser
    GeoNames place browser for Android.
  • DropboxPlugin
    PhoneGap Dropbox Plugin for Android.
  • DXCC
    Android application to get country (DXCC) information from an amateur radio callsign.
  • Easy Floater JS
    a easy Flash floater with alternative content for iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android.
  • eliademy android
    Eliademy mobile client for Android.
  • EmbeddedCorovaWebViewDemo
    Basic Android project with Native activity and Cordova Embedded WebView Activity.
  • EnglishWords
    an android app which helps to memorize and listen english words.
  • Eulji android
    eulji university android web app.
  • Exif Android Sample
    Just a simple phone gap app that will one day read exif data.
  • expose android
    The 'app' part of a project to share a phone js api (cordova) with a browser.
  • ezbreakup
    EZ Breakup Android Application.
  • FeedMoreBeta
    Android app being built.
  • Feerlaroc SDK
    This a cross platform SDK(For Android , Blackberry, iPhone and the web) used together with Feerlaroc API.
  • fh cordova js sdk android template
    An Android Template project with Apache Cordova and FeedHenry JS SDK setup.
  • FieldMate
    iPhone & Android data collection app for in the field.
  • file attach cordova upload jqm
    Android app showing how to attach a file in Cordova & upload it via jQuery Mobile.
  • FilttrFon
    Filttr's app for iPhone & Android.
  • firstrainDemo Android
    This is the android version of firstRain Demp.
  • Fonis Android App
    Android aplikacija za
  • freebox zapper android
    Android soft remote control for the French set top box Freebox v6.
  • friar
    Friar Framework helps you make beautiful Android 2.2+ apps out of HTML5 content. Inspired by the Baker Framework for iOS.
  • Friendica Android App
    This is a friendica Android Application.
  • gaphack
    Program that can run arbitrary js source from SD cards on Android using phonegap / cordova for developing, testing and sharing quick mobile scripts and mini apps.
  • Geofisher
    The geofisher app for android is a great way to share your fishing experience with others.
  • Gesitoring
    Board Monitoring Program for Android 2.3.3 using PhoneGap.
  • github mobile
    iPhone and Android Client for GitHub.
  • global krakow android dev camp
    Homepage for Global (Krak?w) Android Dev Camp.
  • Gmail Tap
    A different, phonegap android based take on the awesome new way to communicate, Gmail Tap.
  • GPSDetector
    PhoneGap plugin for Android Detects if the GPS is on or off.
  • Green Parking Toronto
    Android Application listing Toronto Green P Locations. A simple App built to learn Android development and test out various features.
  • groundhog
    This application is a mash up of sorts that brings together the following pieces with the goal of allowing an Android device to publish and receive sensor collects.
  • grunt android emulator
    Grunt plugin to create, start, stop an Android emulator.
  • grunt favicons
    Generate favicon.ico and icons for iOS, Android and WP8.
  • HackfestCalendar
    jQuery Mobile apps (designed for PhoneGap and Android ) for The API Evangelist's Hackfest Calendar.
  • hdeos
    Play Youtube HD video from Iphone , Ipad , Android.
  • HEAT Training Android
    This repository is deprecated. Please use mobile android instead.
  • HelloFries
    Fries and PhoneGap integration demo Android project.
  • HelloPhoneGap Android
    A simple PhoneGap application making use of ClojureScript.
  • hilite android
    Android client with PhoneGap for
  • hivemind
    Notetaking Android app for RIT course group project.
  • horaz todo list android
    todo list written in Horaz as Android project.
  • Hot Towel Mobile
    Hot Towel Mobile is a Single Page Application (SPA) boilerplate framework built off Hot Towel that allows you to maintain one codebase for native deployments to Android / iPhone / Blackberry / Windows Phone / Browsers / Windows 8 / etc...
  • HowMuchEuro Android
    Convert from US Dollar and Canadian Dollar to Euro and add the Sales tax, so you know exactly how much you pay.
  • HPub Web Viewer
    A simple html based viewer for HPub. To test the design of your HPub or to publish a HPub to the web alongside Baker Framework (ios) and Friar Framework ( Android ).
  • HTML5 Ads Engine SDK
    Cross platform monetization ? Desktop, IOS, ANDROID , WIN8. Supports video, interactive ad formats and standard IAB. Yield optimization. Suites any type of HTML5 App.
  • html5 converter app
    PhoneGap + Android + html5 ;].
  • HTML5 iPhone keyboard experiment
    8pen is innovative keyboard replacement introduced by 3qubits for Android. This is an experimental HTML5 version of it.
  • hubiquitus4 android
    Hubiquitus client (hAPI) for Android and Android PhoneGap plugin.
  • iChing
    iChing coins ( android phonegap/webapp).
  • Ideapress
    A collaborative story writing app for iPhone and Android built with
  • ikPhoneGapHelloWorld
    Hello world app for android using PhoneGap, nothing exciting just playing around.
  • iLanguageCloud
    An HTML5/ Android word cloud generation codebase.
  • illustrator scripts for mobile
    Collection of Illustrator scripts that exports layers or artboards to PNGs of different densities (iOS Retina Display, Android Devices, etc).
  • imperial calculator android
    Android PhoneGap port of the Imperial Score Calculator app.
  • iOS android spike
    iOS and android , automated test spike.
  • iPhone Android Apache CXF Soap Services
    iPhone /Android Apache CXF Soap Services.
  • ips announce
    The announcement server for the indoor positioning system we develop at global android dev camp 2012.
  • JavascriptListAdapterExample
    An example javascript implementation of the List Adapter pattern (commonly used in Android ).
  • jenkins mobile native android
    Mobile app to monitor jenkins instances and the latest status of individual jobs. Native Android version.
  • jqscan
    Scan 1D/2D barcode app for Android use Javascript.
  • jquery actionbar
    Android style action bar.
  • jquery mobile android theme
    This is a custom jquery mobile theme, that matches the Holo theme family in Android 4.0 Theme.Holo.Dark and Theme.Holo.Light.
  • jquery.transform
    jQuery plugin for hardware accelerated animation on iOS and Android.
  • jr pg android
    test branch for android phonegap compatibility.
  • jsHttpSrv
    Full Rhino Javascript http server. It aims to be install on android systems using SL4A.
  • karura
    A open source framework for Hybrid application development on Android.
  • learn khmer writing
    Android Application to guide how to write Khmer Alphabet.
  • lein robbie
    Create phonegap android applications with clojure script.
  • LESS.doc
    App documentation LESS for Android.
  • LGDPM Android
    Local Government Disaster Person Manager Client for Android OS Tablets.
  • livescores android
    A simple live scores app for Android.
  • local notification
    Local Notification Plugin for Phonegap 2.x.x ( Android ).
  • mailbox plus
    This is part of the series 'Quick create a fully fledged web application and an Android client' :
  • manifest io
    WebRT Stub Executable Builder for Android.
  • MappoPhoneGap
    Testing Meteor.js with Android and PhoneGap.
  • mapReminder
    iOs Reminders analog for Android.
  • MapsPluginExample
    Maps plugin example for Cordova/ Android.
  • mboos mobile
    Mobile Based Online Ordering System (Working in Android and iOS).
  • mcshoppinglist
    Shopping list app that allows multiple Android phones sync content against a server. The client allows you to create/import/share multiple shopping lists and persist them into a private content provider. A background service runs periodically to sync updates from the server.
  • meatstick
    Android application for Gym users.
  • Meteor phonegap push
    Meteor phonegap push, IOS and android.
  • MindTimer
    Another countdown timer app for Android.
  • Mjollnir
    Digital publishing platform using HTML and native functions for iPad and Android.
  • MLP
    Android app for MLP.
  • mobile horizontal scrolling comparison
    Do a comparison between some popolar mobile scrolling javascript libraries. This is a test for your real project which should work on both android and iOS devices.
  • Mobile Local Android
    Native Android version of MobileLocal.
  • Mobile Logger
    Log location, heading, speed, altitude, accelerometer, sound level, trip duration and distance on iPhone and Android.
  • mobile openlaszlo
    OpenLaszlo extensions to deploy OpenLaszlo apps on iPhone , Android, iPad, within Adobe AIR 2.0 or on runtimes provided by the Open Screen Project.
  • mobile web app store
    Web app Store in Android.
  • mobilink
    Link Redirection Management Service for Android and iOS.
  • mobiworks
    jQuery based framework for developing iPhone /Android web applications.
  • MondoSMS
    Small mobile (for now Android only) app for Serbian free message service. Wrapped with PhoneGap.
  • moobile
    An iPhone / iPad / Android application framework.
  • Mover
    PhoneGap based code for Android.
  • moylaReporting
    Moyla Reporting Android app. It is developed based on PhoneGap platform. [This project is under active development phase, no stable version published yet.].
  • mQuiz Android Client
    This repository is deprecated. Please use mobile android instead.
  • My Android App
    An Android application project to develop a hybrid applicaton.
  • My Blog Feed Reader
    A small Android hello world type of app.
  • MyMeds
    Android app som hjelper deg ? huske ? ta medisinen din.
  • NameTrendz
    Name Trender Android app Created at 2011 AnDevCamp with PhoneGap and jQueryMobile.
  • NarwhalChampion
    Web app using phonegap with android for browsing reddit.
  • ndev phonegap android
    PhoneGap Sample Speech App for Android.
  • news reader android
    News Reader as a native Android app.
  • NoTag
    PhoneGap + Android + jQuery Mobile test app.
  • NSBHS Android Timetable App
    An android app for displaying the timetable for NSBHS students.
  • obstbaum app
    Obstbaum App f?r Android (LVA IT Projekt).
  • Oglasuvame mobile android
    Android +Phonegap app for using the classified ads service
  • okemobile
    mobile version for android using jquery mobile.
  • openfoodfacts android
    Open Food Facts Android app.
  • OpenHalal
    Android project for mapping Halal Code to Company Product Code.
  • OpenMRS Planet Updates
    Android App: Surf all the news and updates from OpenMRS world under single hood.
  • Opentaps PhoneGap Plugin
    Opentaps PhoneGap Plugin Android.
  • PanamaLotto
    Panama Lotto Android App.
  • Parking NOW
    Parking NOW! is an Android app that uses your current location to direct you to the closest parking lot in real time. Currently available for municipal parking lots located in Toronto, Canada.
  • parsely android
    The official Parsely Android toolkit.
  • participate android backend
    Backend server at Joyent Smart Platform.
  • PASH
    Playboy Spots HTML5 Android.
  • pdx food carts mobile
    iphone and android native apps to edit food cart information in portland, oregon.
  • pedcount
    PedCount smartphone app (built using PhoneGap for iPhone and Android ).
  • PGATouchPaint
    PhoneGap Android version of the TouchPaint demo application.
  • PGCamera Android
    PhoneGap, jQuery Mobile, and the Camera device Android version.
  • Phone Remote Controller
    Phone Remote Controller. Android , Phonegap, JavaScript, jQuery Mobile HTML5.
  • PhoneGap Android
    Skeleton Android application using PhoneGap.
  • phonegap android actionbarsherlock tabbar plugin
    Tab bar for PhoneGap/Cordova on Android (using ActionBarSherlock).
  • phonegap android custom splashscreen
    Phone gap plugin + activity allows to controll splashscreen as on iOs.
  • phonegap android example
    PhoneGap Android example using App47 Plugin.
  • phonegap android jquerymobile boilerplate
    phonegap android jquerymobile boilerplate.
  • phonegap android meteor boilerplate
    Boilerplate TODOs application for phonegap and android.
  • PhoneGap Android Native AdMob
    Example and tutorial Android PhoneGap app with Native AdMob SDK integrated.
  • PhoneGap Android Plugin
    The adConnect Library PhoneGap plugin for Android.
  • phonegap android speech to ardrone
    android app that uses google speech api to send voice commands via http to an ar drone.
  • Phonegap Android Splash Screen
    It shows an example of how to create a splash screen in Phonegap for Android.
  • phonegap android template
    Empty template for phonegap android app with mvn.
  • PhoneGap Android Testing
    Testing out PhoneGap 1.0.0 for Android with a plugin.
  • phonegap build
    Testing phonegap build for android.
  • phonegap calendar plugin
    Phonegap Calendar Plugin for Android.
  • phonegap contentresolver plugin
    Phonegap plugin that exposes the Android Content Resolver.
  • PhoneGap Downloader
    Downloader plugin for iOS PhoneGap that exposes the same API of its android counterpart ( plugins/tree/master/ Android /Downloader).
  • phonegap jquery mobile boilerplate
    Basic phonegap jquery mobile android eclipse application setup. jQuery 1.9.1 jQuery Mobile 1.3.1 cordova 2.7.0 android 4.2.
  • phonegap native navigation
    Phonegap plugin for Android which launches Google Navigator to get driving directions to a desired location.
  • phonegap powerapp
    PhoneGap PowerApp template for a powerful phonegap app for Android.
  • PhoneGap RSS Android
    An application using PhoneGap that uses an RSS from your website. I made this app for a not for profit organization but it is easily modified for any organization.
  • phonegap simulator
    Development tool for creating and testing phonegap mobile applications for android, iphone and blackberry.
  • Phonegap skeleton android
    Base files for creating a native looking Android app with Phonegap build.
  • phonegap sms plugin
    This Android Phonegap plugin allows you to easily send SMS in android using both native SMS Manager or by invoking the default android SMS app.
  • phonegap tumblr reader
    Simepe Tumblr Reader applicaiotn for Android , iOS and BlackBerry based on PhoneGap.
  • phonegap ua android sample
    A sample Android Phonegap application that integrates with UrbanAirship.
  • PhoneGapAutologout Android
    plugin to callback logout function after a set timeout and user inactivity.
  • PhoneGapBasicTemplate
    A preset project template to be used for developing PhoneGap/Cordova projects across iOS and Android with shared source.
  • Photoshop Actions Package for Designers
    Photoshop Actions for iOS/ Android app user interface design, web design.
  • Photosphere Web Viewer
    (Hopefully) an easy way to share Photospheres made from android devices.
  • piston
    Push services implementation for Android , iOS, Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8.
  • projectplay android client
    Code for projectplay android client.
  • pull to refresh
    a scrollview with pull to refresh function using webkit overflow scrolling: touch. support iOS5+ and Android 4+.
  • push interactions android
    Android client for push interactions.
  • push notification
    Apple and Android push notification service.
  • pushpop android
    Android wrapper around PushPop.
  • Quickstart PhoneGap Android
    Test Drive Kinvey with this blank PhoneGap application ( Android ).
  • quiz phonegap
    Simple quiz in phonegap android.
  • radial menu
    Radial HTML menu inspired by Path for iOS and Android.
  • radio meteor
    Internet Radio player based on HTML5 and Meteorjs plays SomaFM and Radio Paradise, also Android App.
  • remoteConsole
    send console.* messages to another browser to make mobileWepApp development for iPhone /Android easier.
  • repcounter
    Android app which uses the accelerometer to count exercise reps for you.
  • restaurant finder
    This is an android app built using PhoneGap framework which will find the nearby restaurants and give various details like type of cuisines, timings and will also give travelling directions.
  • rhodes issues2go
    Lighthouse Issue Tracking System on a variety of smartphones including iPhone , Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Symbian and Android.
  • rssreader
    android rssreader and PhoneGap.
  • RU Scheduled
    An Android /iOS app that allows Rutgers students to share their schedules with one another.
  • rutorrentMobile
    Plugin for ruTorrent to use it with mobile devies ( Android , iOS, etc).
  • rws android
    Java interface for accessing Recruit WebService for Android.
  • sail.helioboard
    Non Android parts of HelioRoom.
  • sail.js.PhoneGapShell. android
    sail.js PhoneGap Shell for Android.
  • sample file open pdf
    This sample Icenium application demonstrates opening PDF files on iOS and Android devices. Note: For Android devices Cordova Child Browser plugin is used.
  • scaffoldroid
    Simple Content Provider scaffolding tool for Android.
  • send2darling
    Android application to send SMS message to girl friend.
  • Skateboarding News
    Android app which crawls Thrasher/Skateboarding for news.
  • skateparks mobile
    Cross platform mobile application for finding skateparks. Built for iPhone , iPod Touch, iPad & Android devices.
  • Sketchy
    Sketchy is a proposed hybrid SAAS paint application for Android , iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry.
  • skrollr
    Stand alone parallax scrolling library for mobile ( Android + iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
  • SkycableSked Android App
    Skycable Sked Android App.
  • slurtracker android
    SlurTracker Cordova App, 'Let's try this.'.
  • SmartClient
    Use jquerymobile,rexsee on Android.
  • SmXyApp
    Android application for
  • snowpool android
    Phone gap build for the website.
  • solfege
    android app to learn solfege!.
  • spaceships near me
    Sample application for 'Deploying Flask to Heroku and Creating an Android App with PhoneGap' on Tech.Pro.
  • Store The Force
    Android mobile demo app that connects to and download its data to a local storage.
  • StreetEyes
    Android app for Mobile Web.
  • superbridge
    Roku SoundBridge Android/ iPhone client.
    Tech blog about Scala / Android and others.
  • TaptOgFunnet Android
    Android implementasjon av demo app.
  • TaTeTi Android
    TaTeTi Phonegap Android app.
  • Test Android Application
    A test of Dreamweaver's PhoneGap build service and GitHub intergration.
  • TestRunner Demo
    Demonstration project of Test Runner with Android and PhoneGap.
    android app with phonegap.
  • time left phonegap android
    'we look at the clock to know how much time is left'.
  • TiNavigationController
    This is a wrapper of NavigationController that works in iOS and Android.
  • TJ 1.2.1 Android
    TodoJujuy Diario Digital 2013.
  • ToastTo Android
    Maven Architype for android based on phonegap / cordova.
  • trackstuff
    Simple iPhone/ Android optimized to do list creation tool using localStorage.
  • tree android
    Android application for TheFileTree.
  • UACordova
    Urban Airship Plugin for PhoneGap 1.5(Cordova) iOS and Android libraries.
  • unity android textoverlay
    Unity Android example Text overlaying on the screen.
  • Unplugg
    Android application to turn off wireless, bluetooth, etc. at set times to save battery and get work done.
  • UrbanJungle
    Android app to report cycle path problems.
  • viewer
    Android SDK Library Repository Viewer.
  • voteapp
    Android app to caste your vote.
  • Web 2.0 Touch
    JavaScript mini framework for rapid mobile apps development on touch devices ( iPhone , iPad, Android and other webkit browsers).
  • web version
    Files WSE and Paint for Android Mobile.
  • WebAIOlog
    WebAIOlog Webbased All in One Android Logger.
  • webHomeScreen
    A android app launcher and manager based on javascript and a specified webview.
  • Webview MultiTouch Polyfill Demo
    Android app container to test MultiTouch Polyfill.
  • Where20Mobile
    Sample IPhone , Android and PhoneGap applications for Where 2.0 workshop.
  • Whereat
    A small android app for finding your friend.
  • WTAMobile
    A quick/dirty iPhone /Android version of the Whatcom Transit bus schedules.
  • XDA TV
    The XDA TV Android application repository.
  • yaaw android
    YAAW packed into Android app using PhoneGap.
  • zotfile
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Learn JavaScript


Javascript Free Download For Android Pc

The description of Learn JavaScript

Have fun and learn all the fundamentals of JavaScript with SoloLearn!

Learn all the basic features of JavaScript programming: ways to make your website more interactive, change website content, validate forms, create cookies, and so much more.

Complete a series of exercises and hands-on practice sessions, designed to guide you through the process of creating your own JavaScript code in an entertaining and educational way totally FREE.


Have fun learning the fundamentals of JavaScript, while collecting colorful points and competing with other players from all over the world!

Further your career – or simply gain a new skill – while playing along with SoloLearn’s engaging FREE JavaScript tutorial.

How to play Learn JavaScript on PC

Download and Install Nox App Player Android Emulator. Click here to download: Download(FREE)

Run Nox App Player Android Emulator and login Google Play Store

Javascript Free Download For Android Pc

Open Google Play Store and search Learn JavaScript Download

Install Learn JavaScript and start it

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